Monday, August 12, 2013

I need to be better than myself

Now that my major events are over for the Summer it is time I start making some changes in my lifestyle to better myself. I am getting fat and lazy and I'm getting too old to keep letting it pass me by. I'm miserable for no reason and I need to be better than that. I really don't have any reason to be so troubled. I have a nice place to live, a nice car and most important a nice husband to put up with all of this crap. I guess the best approach to a better me is to set some long and short term goals. I will make daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly goals. I am mostly going to start off with weight loss goals because my weight is causing some of my health problems. I think I'm going to go ahead and set my goals for this week. Year-Post a blog every day to update my progress on goals. Week-Only eat out once. Week-Exercise at least 3 times. Week- keep negative thoughts and comments to a minimum. Day-finish wedding thank you notes. Well I guess I will post another blog later today or tomorrow to update my progress. Best of luck to myself, haha!